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  • on JUNE 22, 2023
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作者:WineCountry Collective June 22, 2023

那几乎是不可能回来的 Napa Valley and not eat well. 鉴于食物和酒的天然亲和力, it’s only fitting that this world-class wine region would be home to a number of talented chefs and restaurateurs, who put as much thought and intention into crafting their menus as winemakers do into making exceptional wine.

从提供更平易近人的餐厅, farm-driven经验, 献给那些把“精致”放在精致餐饮上的人, 当你准备好品尝纳帕的美味时, these 20 best restaurants in Napa Valley are sure to leave an impression long after the last bite.

Boon Fly Café,位于豪华 卡内罗斯温泉度假村, draws resort guests and locals alike with its elevated comfort food, done Wine Country-style. 供应丰盛的早午餐和晚餐, this modern roadhouse is an inviting place to eat mouthwatering fare any time of day. 不要错过Boon Fly的甜甜圈, 早午餐期间有哪些, 还有晚餐后的甜点.


CIA Copia的树林|艾玛·K. Morris
Outdoor Dining at CIA at Copia,图片由Emma K提供. Morris

Experience a taste of the world-renowned Culinary Institute of America at the school’s food, wine, 和纳帕市中心的艺术场所. 现场餐厅打来电话 中央情报局大楼的格罗夫, 提供地中海风格的菜单选项的旋转选择, 每个都突出了大胆的口味和来自中央情报局花园的时令食材. 无论是在户外的橄榄树下用餐, or inside in the dining room (where you’ll get an up-close glimpse of the chef’s process), 这家诱人的餐厅一定会让您满意, perhaps, 激发你内心的灵感. Don’t miss the Sunday Night Supper series, which features a different three-course menu each week.

加利福尼亚州纳帕市第一街500号,邮编94559,(707)967 -2500

The Charter Oak
图片由 The Charter Oak

在常春藤覆盖的砖立面后面. Helena’s The Charter Oak 是大厨克里斯托弗·科斯托的休闲餐厅, 梅多伍德米其林三星餐厅(现已关闭)的著名厨师. 这家风景如画的纳帕餐厅, 完整的绿树成荫的庭院露台和广阔, 工业室内空间, focuses on simple, 以农场为灵感的菜肴,只需要少量的食材, 主要来源是餐厅的3.5英亩的烹饪花园. 家庭式菜单以新鲜沙拉为中心, 烤蔬菜, 还有烤制的肉, 还有美味的芝士汉堡和极简, yet artfully composed starters like raw vegetables from their farm with fermented soy dip.

St . Charter Oak Avenue 1050号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)302-6996

图片由 法国洗衣店

Widely known around the world as one of the top restaurants for locally-sourced fine dining, 米其林的 法国洗衣店 40多年来一直是ag体育正规的标志性餐厅, 厨师托马斯·凯勒的法式料理技艺精湛,吸引着美食家. 承诺在当地采购是每日更换菜单背后的驱动力, 哪一种既美观又应季, with many ingredients grown in the restaurant’s own expansive culinary garden across the street, including herbs, vegetables, 还有25种传家宝番茄.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6640号,邮编94599,(707)944 -2380

Lucy Restaurant
图片由 Lucy Restaurant

立足于美丽和可持续 Bardessono 位于AG体育平台中心的酒店 Lucy Restaurant is an approachable fine dining restaurant where a menu of garden-inspired “field-to-fork” fare celebrates the bounty of Napa Valley. 受这种本土素食主义思想的影响, 行政总厨吉姆·莱肯只用最新鲜的, 大部分时令食材来自当地农场, 以及巴德索诺自己的有机花园, 提供早餐, lunch, and dinner daily.


图片由 Solage Calistoga

位于卡利斯托加 Solage Resort, this inviting restaurant is a prime spot for savoring fresh California fare in a sophisticated, 然而休闲的环境. From the airy, light-filled dining room or the expansive, sun-dappled outdoor terrace, Solbar offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner featuring seasonal ingredients interpreted through a Wine Country meets globally-inspired lens. Guests can choose between menu options such as Dungeness Crab Cake Benedict and Lemon Ricotta Pancakes at breakfast, 或者去国外吃午餐和晚餐,比如猪排, 冰荞麦面, 或清酒腌黑鳕鱼.


Scala Osteria
图片由 Scala Osteria

Scala 是老餐馆老板乔瓦尼·斯卡拉(小酒馆唐·乔瓦尼的老板)的新公司。, 是谁联合创立了这家古堡风格的餐厅来突出传统, 意大利南部朴实的菜肴. 以海鲜为主, 菜单的特点是简单而诱人的菜肴,如Cioppino和烤鲈鱼, 以及精选的非海鲜意大利主食, 比如玛格丽特披萨, Ravioli al Limone, 和香蒜酱热那亚意大利面. 用餐空间的美丽内饰使体验更加丰富, 突出中性色, 高高的天花板上悬挂着灯光, and a lively, 然而欢迎的氛围.

加利福尼亚州纳帕市第一街1141号,邮编94559,(707)637 -4380

卡内罗斯温泉度假村这家精致的餐厅名不虚传, 从当地农场和他们自己的农场采购原料,300平方英尺的有机花园,这里有高档的葡萄酒乡村美食. 菜单以最新鲜应季的食物为基础, 厨师约翰·卡尼(John Carney)受到该地区的启发,推出了美味的食物, 从新鲜出炉的酸面包和牡蛎到自由农场的鸭子和智利海鲈. 虽然晚餐是一种乐趣, FARM周日早午餐从不让人失望.


RH AG体育平台
图片由 RH AG体育平台

部分独特的五栋建筑概念,融合了食物, wine, art, and design, The Restaurant at RH AG体育平台 features a selection of brunch and dinner plates that are as beautifully presented as the stunning surroundings. 在风景如画的餐厅里, 以吊灯, 中央喷泉, and olive trees, guests can order shareable plates like the Crispy Artichokes and Artisanal Prosciutto, 还有像龙虾卷这样的开胃菜, 烤半鸡, 和RH汉堡, 伴随着许多葡萄酒从区域和全球灵感的菜单之一.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6725号,邮编:94599,(707)339 -4654

图片由 Kenzo

米其林一星餐厅 Kenzo brings an authentic Japanese dining experience to Napa Valley through its seasonal sushi and Kaiseki menus, 突出日本的美食. Here, ingredients are flown in daily from the world’s most acclaimed fish market in Japan, and every course is paired with a selection of wines and sakes from around the world, 包括纳帕的Kenzo酒庄出产的葡萄酒. Diners can sit at the chef’s counter for an up close view of the food being prepared, 或者在主餐厅, which is sleek and minimal to not distract from the exceptional presentation and taste of the food.


Goose & Gander

这家休闲美食酒吧位于市中心St. 海伦娜是味蕾的飨宴, where unique spins on classic American fare are seasonal-driven and downright indulgent. 菜单的特点是选择酒吧咬, salads, and burgers, 还有不容错过的丰盛牛排和排骨, while the dark and cozy interior and the charming outdoor courtyard make it easy to tuck in for an evening of good food and conversation. 无论你点什么, 你会毫不费力地找到完美的饮料来搭配你的用餐, 这要归功于餐厅的获奖酒吧项目, 哪款鸡尾酒有33款特色鸡尾酒, 本地啤酒和进口啤酒, 还有一份按杯装和按瓶装的当地葡萄酒的广泛清单.

圣泉街1245号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)967-8779

图片由Facebook提供:安吉拉的餐厅 & Bar

坐落在纳帕市中心, Angèle 一直是ag体育正规最受当地人和游客欢迎的餐厅, who flock to this French restaurant for its friendly service and delicious food inspired by the French countryside. 从质朴别致的餐厅, 午餐和晚餐享受经典的法国美食, such as Escargot, Niçoise Salad, 和油封鸭腿, 以及一个完整的菜单精酿鸡尾酒和葡萄酒.


La Taberna
图片由 La Taberna

受到西班牙北部小吃酒吧的启发, La Taberna is a fun place in downtown Napa for a quick bite or a lingering meal full of Basque-inspired specialties. 伴随着欢乐的气氛, La Taberna提供了一个菜单的旋转特色菜和小盘子项目, from Little Gem Al Plancha to Patatas Bravas and mouthwatering bocadillo and empanada offerings, 每道菜都受到当地食材的影响. 无论你是为了美食还是为了热闹的酒吧, 一定要从大量的强化酒单中品尝一两杯西班牙雪利酒.


这里是托马斯·凯勒大厨的高档餐厅之外的休闲选择, Ad Hoc offers an approachable dining experience inspired by the American comfort food of his childhood. 特色产品从凯勒的广阔的花园, 四道菜的菜单每天都在变化,是家庭式的, 进一步的悠闲, 餐厅的欢乐气氛. 从炖肉到酪乳炸鸡再到黑松露奶酪通心粉, every dish is meant to instill a sense of nostalgia while delighting the taste buds in a way that only Chef Keller can. Adding to the experience is an accessible beverage menu featuring great value wines and classic cocktails.

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6476号,邮编94599,(707)944 -2487

图片由 Auberge du Soleil

成立于1981年 太阳宫的餐厅ag体育正规公认的第一家高级餐厅. 位于标志性的Auberge du Soleil度假村, the cuisine at this One Michelin Star restaurant is influenced by French technique and flavors, 但他们非常注重本地采购和季节性采购. Sit on the terrace for unforgettable views of the Napa Valley landscape while dining on a multi-course lunch or six-course tasting menu for dinner.

卢瑟福山路180号,加州卢瑟福94573,(800)348 -5406

图片由Facebook提供: Oenotri

位于纳帕市中心, Oenotri is an inviting eatery where Southern Italian food meets locally-made wine, produce, and olive oil. 而菜单上的菜品会定期更换, 食客总能找到各种美味的披萨, 自制的意大利面和面包, along with mouthwatering antipasti and over 20 types of the chef’s artisan salumi – all elevated with fresh fruits, vegetables, 还有餐厅五英亩花园里的草药.


TORC | Andy Berry
Dinner at TORC由安迪·贝瑞提供

如果你正在寻找以当地食材为特色的精心制作的美食, 但在一个深情的服务, laid-back setting, TORC 这个地方适合你吗. 位于纳帕市中心, this lively, modern American eatery strives to “dismantle” the fine dining experience with its relaxed approach to dining, where guests are encouraged to sit back and settle in for an evening of great food and fun conversation. 精心组成的菜单展示了当地, 以农场为灵感的美食,美味多样, from bar bites like deviled eggs and tempura asparagus to housemade pastas and hearty mains. Wash it all down with a craft cocktail or wine from the award-winning wine list, and you’re set.


La Toque | Facebook
图片由Facebook提供: La Toque

La Toque 不仅仅是因为它的食物质量和服务, 是什么让它在2009年到2021年间获得了米其林之星, 但它也以其丰富的酒单而闻名. Naturally, 在拉托克,食物和葡萄酒是最重要的, with menus designed to showcase the pleasures of food and wine when enjoyed together. 客人可以选择从两个餐饮体验之一:厨师的品尝菜单, 包括六门课程, 或者零点菜单, 特色的季节性选择的意大利面, fish, and steaks.


Gott's St. Helena
汉堡和奶昔是圣路易斯市Gott's餐厅不容错过的美食. Helena, CA! 图片由 Gott's Roadside

This classic roadside burger shack (formerly known as Taylor’s Refresher) has become a Napa Valley staple for its delicious, 老式的汉堡. 特色尼曼牧场牛肉饼和经典或非经典浇头, these burgers are so famous that it’s hard to find a time mid-day when there isn’t a line of people waiting to order (pro tip: order ahead for pick-up). 但如果汉堡不适合你, Gott' s也有各种同样美味的非汉堡选择, 从沙拉和三明治到鱼肉卷和软饮.

大街933号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)963-3486

PRESS Restaurant
图片由 Press

St. Helena’s PRESS 一家高档牛排餐厅是扎根于ag体育正规的风土吗, 那里的菜单主要是当地捕获的海鲜, 自由放养的家禽和羔羊, 从餐厅的现场花园时令蔬菜, and prime, 在杏仁木上烤熟的干牛肉. 除了美味的食物和这家时尚餐厅的氛围, 压榨是酿造该酒的必备条件. 事实上,它拥有世界上最大的ag体育正规葡萄酒收藏.

587 St. 圣海伦娜公路. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)967-0550